

PROGRAM OVERVIEW 基础物理专业是为有志于从事工业的学生设计的, government laboratories, and applied science or in further study toward a graduate degree.

适合计划教初中或高中物理的学生, 与教育学院的合作项目可获得爱荷华州二级认证. 学生完成物理和教育课程和一个专业学期的课程, which includes a student teaching experience.

计划进入医学院或牙科学校的学生可以完成他们的物理学本科专业. 该计划包括满足医学或牙科学校入学要求所需的适当的生物和化学课程.

本专业适合对本专业以外的领域有兴趣,但其教育目标可以通过现有课程的结合来实现的学生, an individualized major may be developed. 教职员工会辅导那些对这个方向感兴趣的学生. Such individualized majors could include computational physics, geophysics, environmental physics, biophysics, chemical physics, or astrophysics.

For the B.S. degree, 另外还开设了物理和物理科学课程,以使普通学生熟悉当前对支配宇宙的基本物理定律的科学解释.

FACULTY 物理与天文系教员的研究兴趣包括天文学, astrophysics, atomic physics, mathematical physics, nuclear physics, and particle physics.

ACADEMIC PREPARATION For a student to pursue this field of study, he or she must be comfortable with and enjoy mathematics. The discipline relies heavily on deductive and analytical reasoning. 即将入学的学生应该在高中完成四年的数学课程. A physics course in high school is helpful but not required.

REQUIREMENTS FOR MAJOR 文学学士学位要求至少31个物理学分, 理学学士学位要求至少修满49个物理学分,该课程由学生和指导老师共同制定,并经系里批准.

REQUIREMENTS FOR MINOR 辅修物理可以补充任何科学学位(如数学), computer science, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, or environmental science), liberal arts or professional degrees (pharmacy, health sciences, (或教育)提供坚实的科学知识背景和分析技能. 辅修物理课程至少要修满18个学分.

DRAKE CURRICULUM The Drake Curriculum, required of all undergraduates, 旨在帮助学生在十个探究领域获得基本知识和能力的同时实现个人和职业目标, including communication, critical thinking, artistic experience, historical consciousness, information and technology literacy, international and multicultural experiences, scientific and quantitative literacy, values and ethics, and engaged citizenship. 学生们与他们的学术顾问密切合作,共同制定通识教育的学习计划,为学生的公民和专业领导能力做好准备.

The Drake Curriculum also requires a First Year Seminar, 通过一个主题来促进批判性思维和书面和口头沟通能力的发展, 以及一个高级顶点课程,让学生展示自己带来信息的能力, skills, and ideas to bear on one project.

INTERNSHIPS & OPPORTUNITIES 鼓励学生利用与教授一起参与研究的机会. Opportunities exist in many areas such as atomic physics, astrophysics, nuclear and particle physics, and quantum theory.


The department maintains two computer laboratories, one teaching laboratory, and one research laboratory. The teaching laboratory has nine PC’s available to the students. 研究实验室有一台16并行处理器架构的计算机, three alpha machines, and three Sun workstations. 和教授一起做研究的学生可以使用这些机器.

CAREER OPTIONS 对拥有物理学、地球物理学或天体物理学高级学位的人有很高的需求. 任何被推荐攻读任何物理领域硕士或博士学位的学生都将获得研究生院以奖学金或助教奖学金的形式提供的全额经济支持, which include salary as well as tuition. 本科课程也为进入医学院或法学院提供了良好的基础.

Physics majors also may pursue career opportunities in industry, government, or secondary school teaching. 一些职业的可能性是作为研究助理或在组织,如阿贡实验室应用计算机科学, Bell Labs, IBM, and NASA.

There are many career opportunities for a graduate with a bachelor's degree; however, 与拥有硕士或博士学位的人相比,这些机会处于较低的水平.

HONORS For first-year students, 该系每年春季举办威尼斯人网上娱乐物理奖考试竞赛. 该测试在爱荷华州、明尼苏达州、南达科他州和北达科他州的高中进行. 考试成绩最高的学生将获得四年全额学费奖学金. 排名前50的高年级学生有机会在一个封闭的竞争中申请第二个四年, full-tuition scholarship restricted to physics or astronomy majors. 第二项奖学金是根据学生的整体学习成绩颁发的, recommendations, and an on-campus interview.

此外,该系还颁发Crusinberry家庭奖学金和Paul S. and Dorothy H. 赫尔米克奖学金颁发给在物理学或天文学领域表现出持续兴趣和杰出学术成就的本科生. 优秀的大三学生将在大四获得赫尔米克高级奖学金,并被称为赫尔米克高级澳门威尼斯人网站. The outstanding senior student is awarded the Paul S. Helmick prize, 其中包括现金奖励和在系办公室的永久牌匾上刻上该学生的名字.

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES 物理学学生协会的一个分会在威尼斯人网上娱乐非常活跃. Activities include volleyball, soccer, picnics, and field trips. 这里还有一个Sigma Phi Sigma物理荣誉协会的分会.
